Day 118
I don’t remember. I do know I spent a lot of time talking to my mom on the phone. Went to work. Did the usual mom things. Seems like mom brain was strong on this day!
Day 119
Same old, same old. Caleb is getting closer to crawling every day. He’s pushing up onto his knees and elbows and pushing forward from there. It’s funny though because he keeps his head down when he does that, then lifts it up when he’s straightened out again and back on his belly. Pretty soon his nickname will completely change from Squirmy Wormy to Rolie Polie Olie!
Day 120, April 12th, 2024
We are officially at 120 days of Mom Life. It’s been a wild ride since the day Caleb was born. Lots of ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade this journey for ANYTHING.
We spent the day just hanging out. Baby boy napped on my chest, and so I thought that was the perfect time to call Geico to transfer my car insurance from New York to Virginia finally. Of course he wakes up right as someone answers the phone; not at all while I was on hold for 10+ minutes. Thankfully he stayed calm while I was on the phone, and insurance is all taken care of.
Now, we look forward to this weekend. Tomorrow, the family and I are heading to check out a new vehicle. Hopefully all goes well, and within the next week or so we’ll have a new car! We’re also getting a delivery of some books I ordered for Caleb tomorrow. They’re definitely not books for his age, but he’ll grow with them.
Sunday is our baby’s 4 month “birthday”. I want to hold him up while he stands on his little leggys and mark his height down on the door frame in our bedroom. I know it might be too soon, but he’s growing so fast and I want to savor these moments.